(parka not necessary for sessions) Photo Kanther
Email: [email protected] Many people prefer to use email to initially contact me for inquiries and share brief summaries of the issue. Simply be mindful that email communication is not reliably secure.
Phone: 415.572.3803
Address: Hidden Valley Office Enter @ Lobby 2, Building B, 2nd Floor
1750 112th AVE NE
Suite B-214
Bellevue, WA 98004
Dr. Kanther's Seattle area office is located near downtown Bellevue and offers a peaceful view of Hidden Valley Park with comfortable vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle access with complementary guest parking.
Dr. Kanther's practice does not accept insurance. While many patients prefer enhanced confidentiality, there are obvious financial benefits to seeking reimbursement from your insurance. Dr. Kanther can provide a Superbill for her out-of-network services, and will discuss the benefits and considerations thereof. Session fees are based on usual and customary rates for her level of training and practice location, and may increase yearly. Currently, her rate is $250 for a 55-60m session.
Dr. Kanther's practice does not accept insurance. While many patients prefer enhanced confidentiality, there are obvious financial benefits to seeking reimbursement from your insurance. Dr. Kanther can provide a Superbill for her out-of-network services, and will discuss the benefits and considerations thereof. Session fees are based on usual and customary rates for her level of training and practice location, and may increase yearly. Currently, her rate is $250 for a 55-60m session.